Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Organizing Coupons, part deux

Sue says:

My husband and I share one car, which makes me organize my days a little differently than otherwise. I try to take him in two days per week and cram all of my running in to those two days, so I keep my coupons clipped and with me at all times.

I have friends who use a "shoebox method" of organizing -- they have large shoeboxes and organize their coupons by business-sized envelopes and carry the box in their cars. I have a slightly more compact system than that, but I do keep mine in the car.

I have two different check-organizers (accordian-style) that zip closed. One organizer is for general items that I find at the grocery store, broken down in to logical sections that meet our purchasing patterns. The other is strictly for health & beauty aids and is kept largely for my CVS trips. I found that the HBA section of my regular organizer was causing the entire thing to be too large and bulky, so I bought a second organizer (about $5.50) and filled it up with the offending bulk.

I have a larger bag in which I keep those organizers, and before I head in to any store, I check my list, clip the appropriate coupons to it, and then carry the larger bag (containing the organizers and my purse) in with me. I haven't missed a coupon or an unexpected sale-price since I started doing it this way, and I don't have a large shoebox rattling around in my trunk, either.

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